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VOTA - Volcanoes on the Air

VOTA is a new programme created in 2024 and is the brain-child of Philip Sharp ZL1PSH, and encompasses the 53 volcanoes in the Auckland Volcanic Field.​


The goal of VOTA is to get more amateur radio operators on the air and enjoying portable operations in picturesque settings.


You can participate as an activator (the person on the volcano transmitting from a portable radio), or as a chaser (the person at home/out and about responding to the activator).


It is a great way to get out and about around our wonderful city, go to a place you've never seen before, and play with radios.


For the full information on this programme, including rules and awards, check out this document.


For a full list of eligible volcanoes, check out this document. Also below is a handy Google map (put together by Rob ZL1ACK) of all the VOTA volcanoes.


In a fun twist, I am slowly working on bringing Geocaching and VOTA together as a way to encourage amateur radio operators to start geocaching, and also as a way to introduce geocachers to the world of amateur radio and the various fun programmes that are available to participate in.

For more information on this approach visit the Geocaching x Radio page on this website.


Any geocachers interested in getting involved with amateur radio can most certainly get in touch with me via zl3aqt [at] gmail [dot] com


Check out the VOTA posts in my xOTA Blog for interesting volcanoes I've been to recently.

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