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TOTA - Trigs on the Air

TOTA is an unofficial programme I made up to combat a couple of limitations of my gear and location. Auckland lacks a lot of close accessible SOTA summits, and generally SOTA is an HF activity (although it absolutely is possible to activate SOTA on 2m and 70cm) and for a while I didn't have an HF radio. TOTA meant I could go out and play radio outside the house easily without too much complication.


TOTA is as simple as finding a trig site nearby (most Auckland volcanic mounts have them), heading up there and making contacts on the radio - simplex, repeater, doesn't matter.


Just go out there, find a trig, enjoy the view, and chat on the radio. That's it.


Not all trig sites are SOTA summits, but a lot of SOTA summits have trigs on them.


Check out the TOTA posts in my xOTA Blog for interesting trigs I've visited recently.

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